Wildlife Group of the South African Veterinary Association

The Wildlife Group of the South African Veterinary Association was founded in 1970 by several prominent wildlife veterinarians. The Wildlife Group is one of several special-interest groups within the Veterinary Association, and its membership consists of members of the Association who are interested in, or are actively involved in, wildlife veterinary practice.

The mission of the Wildlife Group is to promote the role of veterinarians in wildlife conservation in South Africa. Achievements in this regard include initiating the establishment of the Price-Forbes Chair in Wildlife Diseases at the Onderstepoort veterinary faculty and initiating an annual wildlife immobilisation course for veterinarians.

The Wildlife Group has also held a number of highly successful conferences and symposia on wildlife management. Each of these meetings has resulted in practical and sought-after proceedings which have been published by the Wildlife Group as a series of books. These publications are all available from WildNet Africa.

The Group's most recent symposium was held at Onderstepoort near Pretoria, and was entitled The African Buffalo as a Game Ranch Animal. Proceedings are available through WildNet Africa.

Achievements in the wildlife field are recognised by the annual Lycaon Award made by the Group. Support for students is provided in the form of a bursary for study in wildlife conservation.

An opportunity exists for non-veterinarians to join as Friends of the Wildlife Group. Membership as a Friend of the Group would mean immediate involvement in the conservation activities of the Group. Benefits of membership include discounts on symposium registration fees, a regular Group newsletter and complimentary subscription to Bushcraft, participation in field days and training courses. Funds raised through membership subscriptions, symposia and book sales are applied principally in the development of veterinary wildlife research programmes and education.

Summary of the aims and objectives of the Wildlife Group:

SAVA Wildlife Group
P O BOX 12900
0110 South Africa

E-mail: bpenz@op1.up.ac.za

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